During the 1970’s era Leitz, now Leica, invented the Auto focus technique and created a prototype called the Correfot, based on their SLR model, in 1976. Being Leitz they where not convinced that the focusing quality was up to their standards, they sold the idea to their then partner Minolta and the rest is history. Most photographers today never even used a real manual focus camera. Auto focus rules. Auto focus was and is a very useful addition to the arsenal of photographic techniques. But somehow simple things got very complicated and one could ask how that happened. How did yesterdays simple cameras become todays menu driven monsters? Even more important, what can we do to get our camera back and make it work for us and not against us? History Let’s have a look at history. Nikon F When Nikon released the Nikon F in 1959 Single Lens Reflex (SLR) cameras became usable for professional photographers. It was the first reflex with a decent finde...